Can Mobility of Care be Identified from Transit Fare Card Data? A Case Study in Washington D.C.

TitleCan Mobility of Care be Identified from Transit Fare Card Data? A Case Study in Washington D.C.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2023
AuthorsShuman D, Abdelhalim A, Stewart AF, Campbell K, Patel M, de Madariaga IS, Jinhua Zhao
Date Published05/2023

Studies in the literature have found significant differences in travel behavior by gender on public transit that are largely attributable to household and care responsibilities falling disproportionately on women. While the majority of studies have relied on survey and qualitative data to assess “mobility of care”, we propose a novel data-driven workflow utilizing transit fare card transactions, name-based gender inference, and geospatial analysis to identify mobility of care trip making. We find that the share of women travelers trip-chaining in the direct vicinity of mobility of care places of interest is 10% - 15% higher than men.
