Zhejing Cao

Zhejing Cao's picture
Visiting PhD Candidate

Zhejing is a visiting PhD student to SMART and Department of Urban Studies and Planning in MIT from School of Architecture in Tsinghua University, Beijing. Her current research interest is how urban configuration can be optimized with better integration of public transit network and performance. She is now working on the SMART project of AV and PT integration through scenario planning and agent-based modeling. Her prior research includes various topics, such as data driven urban design and planning methodology, walkability index and built environment, land supply and urban planning system, water management in spatial planning.  Zhejing has the overseas visiting and exchange experience to Tokyo Institute of Technology, the University of Hong Kong, Kanazawa University, and National University of Singapore. She used to be trained as researcher, planner, and architect in China Sustainable Transportation Center (Beijing), Tsinghua University Planning and Design Institute (Beijing), and Pencil Office Architect (Singapore).

Research Projects: SMART

Research Interests: Autonomous Vehicle and Public Transport Integration, Transit Network and Urban Morphology